Oh, Martha, Martha…

Martha loved Jesus. My guess is, it didn’t take long for Martha to know that Jesus loved her too.  Her way of showing love was through serving. Biscuits.  Maybe a pie.  She loved to serve and if something needed to be done she saw no reason not to get after it and get to work.

What I love about the passage in Luke 10:38-42 that we studied last Sunday, is that Luke gives us a glimpse of something so very ordinary.  This wasn’t a huge scene. There would be no need for background music.  Not much of a build up. Just a regular day, doing regular stuff.  Jesus stopped by.  How cool is that, by the way!  Kind of reminds me that Jesus is always with us as well.  We don’t go looking for Him. He found us. We’re His now. By His choice and design, He lives within us!  I just love, “Christ in you”.

So, it’s a regular day. Jesus stops in and Martha is going to make sure no one starves.  Mary sits in the living room with Jesus and maybe the others, assuming Jesus was traveling with the 12 at this point.

Do you ever just “get to work” on something, maybe even something for Jesus without ever stopping to ask Him? Just sit with Him and listen first.

What we hear as Jesus calls out her name, is Him calling out our name too.

“Oh, [insert name], [insert name].”

A loving, gentle, but clear redirection.  “Come, spend some time with Me.”  Listen.

Perhaps you too can testify that on most days, spending a little time with Jesus and His Word helps me throughout the day.  Hear His word. Make application from what you’re hearing, then go live the ordinary day.  Biscuits. Pie. It’s all good.




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